Who are we?!

Thanks to my anxiety and depression I decided to start a business and get a dog.

Hi! My name is Karlee and I am the owner of Nermington's. And yes, you read that correctly. I started this business during a time of anxiety and depression.

To give you some context, in November 2020 I decided to quit drinking. Which lead to a period of a lot of anxiety, depression, and withdrawal. In January 2021, I decided to adopt a puppy (Sherman) to help me in the season I was in. Sherman has been my rock and safety. He has helped me in so many ways and has given me so much hope.

Picture in Downtown Greenville, Sherman 3 months old

Picture in Downtown Greenville, Sherman 3 months old

Later that year I decided to join a women's mastermind which lead me to make my dream job a reality.

When asked, "If you could do anything what would you do?" my answer was always "to own a pet sanctuary/shelter for those who are labeled 'not adoptable' or at risk of being euthanized". I had/have an entire plan in my head that I add to on occasion. 

In January of 2022, I flew across the country to Palm Springs, CA by myself (I had a huge fear of all things flying and doing it by myself at the time) to meet with this fantastic women's group for the first time.


Landing in Palm Springs, CA.


And with that, Nermington's officially opened in July 2022!

 With all that has happened since 2020, I am beyond blessed and honored for every single moment that lead to today. 

Nermington's is built on the hope and mission that pets deserve a loving home. And sometimes we adopt a pet thinking that we are saving them, but it is them saving us.

Nermington's is an online boutique that provides our floofs with handmade bandanas and their human shirts to match, and with every purchase, we donate 5% to our shelter partners.

This mission is close to our hearts and I hope to yours as well. If you are a shelter that is interested in becoming a partner or if you are just looking to say Hi!, please email me at hello@nermingtons.com



Meet Hank


Behind The Scenes